
Innovation as a trademark
Innovation has always held an important place at Dekker Chrysanten. Especially new varieties are essential to keep the interest of the international consumer in chrysanthemums alive. We therefore continue to add new varieties to our product range, which all become some of the most cultivated and most sold chrysanthemums in the world.


Effective innovation requires excellent facilities. Within our breeding department, we work under the perfect conditions to produce the product range of the future. Innovative techniques, such as DNA marker technology, have revolutionized the breeding process. This DNA-based method makes it possible to evaluate how a variety will perform in practice and which resistance to diseases and pests can be expected in the initial stages of the breeding process.


Varieties with real commercial value

We use tissue cultures to make new varieties suitable for cultivation. We start off on a small scale and expand this to large volumes over time. We continue to monitor new breeding concepts, all of which are supported by data and breeding software. Only after about four years do the real commercial prospects of a variety become clear. Therefore, we often first cultivate new varieties on a large scale in our own production facilities in Hensbroek, the Netherlands.

Dekker Chrysanten is renowned for bringing new varieties on the market selectively. Only varieties that add value to the product range reach the marketing phase. This gives growers and traders assurance that a variety will result in profit for them as well.

Dekker Exclusive

Dekker Exclusive is a cultivation location of Dekker Chrysanten where we test the potential of new varieties on a small scale. Every week, we cultivate 3,000-3,500 stems per variety which are sold to a standard group of exporters. The advantage of the D-team is twofold. Firstly, the cultivation specialists gain a firmer grip on the technological demands and needs required for the cultivation of new varieties. Secondly, the direct link with trade results in valuable input for the marketing activities of Dekker Chrysanten.