
Face of the Family: Cas Lambalk

At Dekker Chrysanten in Hensbroek, we work with a team of over 170 passionate professionals. In our "Face of the Family" feature, we introduce one of our colleagues each month. Through various questions, we want to introduce you to our team members and provide insight into the different roles within our family business.

Introducing Cas Lambalk

Our range of chrysanthemums is a beautiful collection of colors, shapes, and sizes. We are constantly innovating and developing new varieties, with breeding playing a crucial role. This month, we introduce Cas Lambalk, one of the breeders at Dekker Chrysanten.

Cas Lambalk, 24, has been with Dekker Chrysanten since 2017. What started as an internship soon turned into a permanent position in the breeding department, where Cas now passionately focuses on breeding single-flowered Santinis. His love for flowers and plants began at an early age when, as a ten-year-old, he started his own small vegetable garden at his grandmother's house and began crossbreeding plants.

"As a breeder at Dekker Chrysanten, I focus daily on selecting and crossbreeding chrysanthemum varieties to develop new ones. The best part of my job is seeing something I've developed eventually end up in bouquets at the florist's. That’s incredibly rewarding."

Daily Activities

Cas starts his workday in the office, where he analyzes data, devises crosses, and reviews literature. Later, he is often found in the greenhouse, where he describes trials, selects new clones, and conducts vase life and disease resistance tests. “Every day is different, and that’s what makes the work so challenging,” he says. “With a list of criteria such as disease resistance, productivity, good vase life, and attractive appearance, I set out to find the perfect chrysanthemum.”

A Creative and Challenging Process

According to Cas, the creative process of breeding is both challenging and rewarding. “We work on developing modern, sustainable, and productive chrysanthemums that meet market needs. Think of the rising gas prices and the demand for more sustainable varieties that require fewer pesticides. It’s a challenge to continually develop better varieties, but that’s also what makes the work so enjoyable!”

Passion for Breeding

“Developing varieties that satisfy both the market and growers is a challenge I love taking on.” One of his fondest memories is from a year ago when one of his self-selected seedlings later turned up in a larger trial field. “Although it eventually didn’t make it because it didn’t meet all the requirements, it was fantastic to see what I had created and selected.”

Growth Opportunities at Dekker Chrysanten

Cas values the opportunities he gets at Dekker Chrysanten to further develop himself. “The company offers plenty of opportunities for growth. After my studies, I was able to start working here immediately, and since then, I’ve learned a lot from my colleagues and completed various training courses. I am now also a certified emergency response officer (BHV).”

Following the breeding process

Finally, Cas shares that following a variety from birth to introduction is the most enjoyable part of his job. “At Dekker Chrysanten, I have the space to fully express my passion for breeding, and I absolutely love that!”
