
Face of the Family: Walter Bolhoeve

At Dekker Chrysanten in Hensbroek, we work with a team of over 170 enthusiastic professionals. In our ‘Face of the Family’ feature, we introduce you to one of our colleagues every month. This month, we meet Walter Bolhoeve, cooperating foreman at the technical department.

Walter has been working at Dekker Chrysanten for over 13.5 years and started his career here as a mechanic. Thanks to his commitment, technical knowledge and passion for innovation, he has advanced to a coordinating role within the technical department.

His move to Dekker came via a secondment agency. ‘I was looking for something new and then the agency suggested I visit Dekker. When I walked in, I was immediately surprised by the technology used here. Much more advanced than I had expected!’

From mechanic to cooperating foreman

‘In my current role, I take care of weekly planning, keep track of stock and coordinate machine maintenance. Breakdowns often take priority, which means my day can be full of surprises. Sometimes I am dealing with a breakdown myself, other times I direct colleagues.’

De charme van technische uitdagingen

Wat Walter het meest aantrekt in zijn werk, is de technische complexiteit en de vrijheid die hij krijgt om problemen zelf op te lossen. "Bij veel bedrijven worden machines extern beheerd, maar bij Dekker hebben we zelf toegang tot de PLC-programma’s die onze machines aansturen. Dit geeft ons de mogelijkheid om snel in te grijpen en systemen aan te passen wanneer dat nodig is."

De variatie in storingen maakt elke dag anders. "Het ene moment vervang je een simpel onderdeel, en het andere moment ben je uren bezig om een ingewikkeld softwareprobleem op te lossen. Het is die afwisseling die mijn werk zo uitdagend en leuk maakt."

Trots op de technische dienst

Walter kijkt met trots terug op een van zijn grootste uitdagingen bij Dekker: een volledige dag werken om een verouderd communicatiesysteem weer aan de praat te krijgen. "Samen met een collega werkten we van ’s ochtends vroeg tot diep in de nacht om het probleem op te lossen. Het was zwaar, maar het gaf enorm veel voldoening toen alles weer draaide."

Working in a close-knit team

Besides the technical challenges, Walter particularly appreciates the atmosphere within the company. ‘Dekker really feels like a family business. The management is involved and you notice that everyone here works as a team. That makes it easier to go the extra mile. That togetherness is in the whole company, and that feels good.’

Continue to grow and innovate

Walter is positive about the future at Dekker Chrysanten, especially because of the constant innovation. ‘Every day there are new challenges due to technological advances. That makes the work not only interesting, but also a place where I can keep developing myself. We work here with the latest techniques and keep innovating, which ensures that it never gets boring.’

Diversity makes it worthwhile

‘The variety and the many opportunities to develop yourself keep the work at Dekker Chrysanten challenging and interesting. For me, that really makes it a place where I enjoy working.’

Are you curious about what Dekker Chrysanten has to offer you?

Then take a look at our vacancies page: Overview of vacancies at Dekker Chrysanten. You can also contact Erika directly by sending your response to or by calling 0226 - 45 60 60.
